Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cure Carb Cravings- Yeast-Free Diet

How a yeast-free diet can improve your health

Avoiding sugar in foods and drinks can help reduce the amount of yeast infections you get in a year. By undertaking a yeast free diet you can effectively stop recurring yeast infections.

Over 75% of women have one or more yeast infections each year. By cutting out sugary foods, you can reduce the yeast growing in your body from becoming an overgrown yeast explosion!

Yeast infections can cause constant cravings for carbohydrates. Yeast thrives on sugar, its main nutrient. Carbohydrates, when digested break down in to sugars that yeast feed on.

This means that when the normal yeast in the body increases due to a recent illness, warm and moist conditions, stress, allergies or any other factors, the yeast grow out of control.

If you eliminate excess sugar from your diet, then you create an environment where yeast cannot live or grow. A yeast free diet can help.

Foods with massive sugar levels include, but are not limited to:

Children’s cereals
Fast food
Fat-free snack foods

Many kid’s cereals are mostly sugar. Children can grow into adults with chronic yeast problems if they have a high-sugar diet. Also, drinks like high-sugar energy drinks, cocktails with a high amount of sugars and even eating processed snack foods can contain hundreds of grams of hidden sugars.

When the fat-free packaged foods market exploded, many people bought into these snacks as ‘healthier’. They actually can cause more health problems than small amounts of normal snack foods.

Fat-free snacks removed the fat, and then boosted sugar levels to compensate for taste. High levels of sugar spike your blood sugar and create a perfect environment for dangerous yeast overgrowth.

Benefits of the yeast free diet

The yeast free diet helps you replace carbohydrates with proteins and vegetables, cutting down on the sugars. Eating proteins and protein rich vegetables like potatoes boost the body’s ability to make white blood cells.

Cutting out all sugars is too difficult and not practical, so the diet advises cutting processed sugar; corn syrup sweetened products, simple carbohydrates like cane sugar sweeteners and sweetened soda.

Eating vegetables that are cooked to remain crunchy, raw vegetables and veggie burgers helps you feel full and stops sugar cravings.

Weight loss

The yeast free diet can help you lose weight too. By cutting out sugars and carbohydrates your body will increase its metabolism and store less sugars that turn into fat.

The yeast free diet promotes foods that control yeast and will also help control your weight. Plus, you avoid many impurities that come from the preservatives in packaged foods that are high in sugars.

1 comment:

  1. Yeast free diets are a great way to healthier living. I would recommend it to anyone. There is some great yeast free diet information at
