Friday, October 9, 2009

natural Candida home remedies

Natural Candida remedies can save you hours of discomfort from common symptoms, plus lots of money. Many normally harmless organisms live in our bodies, including yeast Candida.

The immune system and different types of “good” bacteria usually keep it in check in order for it to be safe.

Unfortunately, once the immune system weakens, overgrowth of Candida can occur. This results in irritating and painful symptoms that may manifest internally and externally. Diabetics may face more occurances of diabetes yeast infection

Since visits to the doctor and medications for this condition can be quite expensive, many people seek out home treatments.

Fortunately, you can apply these natural Candida remedies that are cheaper and easier to do than to consult a doctor or to buy medicine from the drug store.

These natural Candida remedies fit into your current lifestyle and will stop the symptoms and help you get to the root of the problem.

A primary natural Candida remedy is the consumption of probiotics. Probiotics scientific name is Acidophilus. These probiotics control Candida overgrowth by making the lining of your intestine more acidic thus killing excess Candida.

You can find probiotics by simply making a trip to the dairy section of your grocery store. Probiotics are inexpensive and you can easily incorporate them into your diet as a natural Candida remedy.

Another one of the more popular natural Candida remedies would be eating lots of garlic. Garlic has been known for its benefits in controlling infections within the intestine for centuries.

Avoid certain foods in order to treat your Candida infection. You should limit your carbohydrate intake because these sugars are stored in the body and Candida loves to feast on sugar. Low-carb foods include meat, chicken and nuts and vegetables.

Lastly, the most challenging of the natural Candida home remedies would have to be a conscious change of lifestyle. Sleeping late, drinking too much and smoking excessively have been known to lower the immune system. This in turn would enable Candida to grow unchecked. To boost your immune system, consume lots of fruits with Vitamin C like kiwi fruit, oranges and other citrus fruits. Combine that with at least 8 hours of sleep a day with minimal vices and you will notice the symptoms gradually fading away.

Try these natural Candida remedies to get to the root and alleviate your suffering.

1 comment:

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